Glossary Entry: Font


A font is a typeface or style of lettering used by a computer. Different fonts provide different styles; some mimic handwriting, others are fancy, and some are just simple.

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Fonts are often installed along with the software that uses them. However, websites don't usually have this luxury, and so they typically ask the web browser to pick from a list of options. This list should end with a "catch all" name that specifies a type of font, rather than a specific one.

For example, God Minded Gaming's pages request to be displayed using Verdana or Arial. If neither are available, then these pages use your system's default sans-serif font.

Here are several examples, using the catch-all labels.


These fonts have a small stroke at the edges of a letter, known as a serif. Common serif fonts include Times New Roman or Georgia.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


As you might guess, these fonts don't have serifs. Common examples of this sort of font are Arial and Verdana.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


Most of the time, the letters in a font aren't always the same size - your I's and M's will be quite different widths. Monospace fonts work differently: every letter is the same size. This also makes them look like they were written on a typewriter.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


These fonts attempt to look like handwriting. Examples of this type of font include Allura, Chopin Script, and the most infamous font of all, Comic Sans.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


Unlike the others, these fonts are primarily decorative, and not really good for an entire page of text. Surprisingly, Impact - the font often used in memes - is considered to be a "fantasy" font.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

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