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Today's Featured Game

Waking Mars

ESRB Rating:NR - Not Rated
My Rating:Ages 6 and up
Genre:Platform Puzzler
Summary:While exploring Mars, a pair of astronauts discover bizarre alien plant life. This "zoa", as they call it, becomes the basis of a botanical puzzle game; by carefully cultivating the alien species, you'll explore deeper into Lethe Cavern and eventually uncover a mystery held deep below the martian soil.

Brief thoughts:Some Christians have issues with the concept of alien life. If you're not one of those Christians, then you're not really going to find anything objectionable here.

Today's Featured Glossary Entry

Nintendo hard
"Nintendo hard" refers to the unusually difficult and unforgiving style of gameplay that was often featured in NES games.

Whether or not the high difficulty was intentional or the result of inept game developers is up for debate; most developers learned to make their games easier or more accessible as time went on, but a few didn't.