Pardon the dust!
This page includes some jargon that hasn't been added to the site's glossary yet. I'll be around to fix this later, but sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.

Glossary Entry: Function Keys


The function keys are a set of keys on your keyboard that perform different roles depending on the software you're currently running. These keys are found at the top of the keyboard, and are labeled F1 to F12. There may be more beyond that, depending on your keyboard.

Additional Information

Every program uses the function keys differently, though there are some rough standards. For example, F1 usually accesses the program's manual or documentation, and most web browsers respond to the F5 key by reloading the current page.

In games, they are often used to toggle debugging options, change camera views, or handle quicksaves.

Function key locations
The function keys are highlighted in green on the keyboard above.

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